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Western Union Nigeria - Betrüger E-Mails

15.09.2010, 14:42
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Beiträge: 1
#1 Von:
veranos.vemae@servicios.itesm.mx zur Kontaktliste hinzufügen"Western Union Money Transfer" <veranos.vemae@servicios.itesm.mx>
ins Adressbuch
Betreff: Pickup Your Mtcn
Datum: Mon, 13. Sep 2010 13:20:43

Please be informed that you have $200,000.00 Lodged in our Western Union
to transfer to you by Ecowas Lottery Board Email for instructions: western2010@w.cn


Dear Valued Customer,

I am in receipt of your mail. We have been waiting for you to contact us in respect of your Two Hundred Thousand Dollars deposited with us for transfer to you by ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States). Your Email Address was the only information given to us by ECOWAS for us to have the deposited funds transferred to you as I have been informed that you are the beneficiary of the Lottery Fund. Please be informed that this lottery is being held to promote the use of world wide web and also encourage e-mail users all over the world.

Note: As your remittance agent/transaction director, I personally advise that you use the funds judiciously. However, we need your information as stated below to commence the transaction due process:

1. Receiver's Full Name: 2. Receiver's Address: 3. Receiver's Country: 4.. Receiver's Telephone Number: 5. Receiver's Occupation:,

With the requested data above, we will commence the facilitation of your funds transfer to you.

Mr. Mark James
Transaction Director
Direct line: +234 703 579 3908

Western Union Nigeria

Dear Valued Customer

We appreciate your prompt response to our e-mail and also for providing your contact information to enable us transfer your $200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) deposited with us by Ecowas Lottery Board. Please indicate how you wish to receive your fund from the options listed below.

Fex-Transfer: (Cost $220)
If you choose this option, you would be sent Four Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) worth $50,000.00 each with which you would go to any western union money transfer location to collect your money within 6hours.

Direct Bank-Transfer: (Cost $250)
This Option implies that your winning funds of $200,000 (Two Hundread Thousand United States Dollars) will be transfered directly into your bank account by Western Union Direct Bank Transfer Unit and it will take 6hours to reflect in your personal bank account in your country.

Western Union Gold Card: (Cost $200)
This option implies that a Western Union Gold card will be created in your name and the sum of $200,000.00 will be credited into it and it will be delivered to you via a courier service. After receiving this gold card, you can use it to withdraw money from any ATM in your country. If you already have a Western Union Card we will transfer the funds directly into the card.

P.S the charges most be paid upfront before we can effect the transfer.

We await your prompt response to enable us proceed with the transaction.

Mr Mark James
Transaction Director
Direct line: +234 703 579 3908

Erst kommt eine Kurznachricht zum Neugierigwerden!
Dann wird es deutlicher: Lotteriegewinn
Dann kommt der Haken: erst Geld überweisen, dann den Gewinn bekommen.

Finger weg! Western Union warnt vor diesen Betrüger-E-Mails.
# Ich habe eine verdächtige E-Mail von jemandem erhalten, der behauptet von Western Union zu sein, was soll ich tun?
Wenn Sie eine E-Mail einer Firma erhalten, die sich für Western Union ausgibt, und Sie nicht sicher sind, ob diese Mail von Western Union gekommen ist, klicken Sie auf keinen Fall irgendwelche Links in dieser Mail an. Es könnte sich um eine sogenannte Phishing-Attacke handeln, mit der man versucht, persönliche Daten von Ihnen zu erfahren. Stattdessen senden Sie die Mail unverzüglich an spoof@westernunion.com.

Western Union wird Ihnen niemals E-Mails schicken, in denen Sie nach Ihrer Benutzer-ID, Passwörtern oder Kreditkartendetails gefragt werden.

Also, aufpassen und sofort löschen!

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