Kann man Online Anzeigen trauen? Bsp. Kijiji

20.05.2008, 10:39
...neu hier

Beiträge: 1
#1 Hi, ich habe kürzlich bei Kijiji bei einer Online- Verkaufsanzeige eine sehr billiges Notebook gefunden. Der Zustand: 2 Wochen alt gebraucht.
Ich dachte er sei Privatverkäufer, aber er schreib mir: Hello, the price for one laptop is 450 EURO including all shipping taxess, I`m in Italy.

Kann ich Ihm Trauen? Dass er mir die richtige Ware und ohne jeden Defekt zuschickt?

Dann schrieb er mir noch eine E-mail:

Like I told you this is a serious auction and I have the serious intention with you.I`m a reputable seller and this is a serious offer.I will start you the shipping ( all the taxes will be supported by me ),after that you will receive a notification from Cargus-TNT ( the tracking number ) together with all the instructions about the shipping.In the next step you will make the payment on the Cargus-TNT agent details and this will be keep your payment in hold until you will receive the laptop and verify.I want to take this opportunity to assure you that this deal is 100% LEGIT. They are like a third party in this transation, they will hold the payment details until you will receive the laptop.
You will be given a 15 days inspection period from the day you receive the laptop at home. If you decide to hold the laptop, then you will have to authorize Cargus-TNT to release the funds to me and the transaction will be completed. If you will not be satisfied with the laptop, you will be able to send the laptop back through the same shipping company, and ask Cargus-TNT to return the funds to you. Though I am sure you will love the laptop and will not want to return it.If you wish to proceed with the purchase,please
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20.07.2008, 03:07

Beiträge: 14
#2 Ich wäre bei einer Kijiji-Anzeige sehr vorsichtig, insbesondere wenn der Verkäufer im Ausland sitzt.
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