Neues Tool von Lavasoft

23.04.2002, 19:44
zu Gast
#1 Hi,

Entschuldigung weil ich aus Bequemlichkeit in englisch zitiere:

Ad-Aware Checker v1.0 (by Javacool)

Due to the circumstances surrounding Ad-Aware being uninstalled by a rogue application, a small tool was created by Javacool.

Ad-Aware Checker v1.0 notifies you whenever Ad-Aware files are deleted or changed. You can keep it running in the background, at a scan interval of your choice. It also allows you to minimize the program to the system tray to reduce taskbar clutter, while it still scans, and pops up if anything malicious or suspicious activities surrounding the Ad-Aware files are detected.

The Ad-Aware Checker program watches two files - the main Ad- Aware executable (ad-aware.exe) and the reflist (reflist.sig) - for any modifications or deletion.




To avoid server overload from the (freeservers) site from the author, it's recommended to use and point to the URL's mentioned above.

All credits go to javacool, the brain and designer behind
Ad-Aware Checker!

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25.04.2002, 12:22
Avatar Lukas

Beiträge: 1743
#2 Waahh..

was für eine Frechheit, das es Tools gibt, die Dialerschutzprogramme killen ist sowie so gnadenlos unverschämt, und nun auch noch Programme die Antispyware Programme killen :o

Der Ansatz von Andreas mit Ants 3 ist dagegen wirklich genial!
Ants 3 soll so gut wie garnicht zu entfernen sein, da es im System als erstes geladen wird und sich selbst überwacht...

...nur werden Spyware & Trojaner wohl auch irgendwann zu diesen Mitteln greifen... ;)

wo das wohl alles hinführt!
Gruß Lukas :yo
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25.04.2002, 13:51
zu Gast

#3 Hi,

falls sich jemand dafür interessieren sollte:

UPDATE: Ad-Aware Checker updated to v1.0.1 to fix a couple minor bugs.

Current Version:Ad-Aware Checker v1.0.1
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25.04.2002, 19:32
zu Gast

#4 Hi,

Ein kleiner Beweis daß man nicht alles mit allen ewig machen kann :
(es sei denn die Mehrheit tut nichts dagegen weil unwissend oder im Tiefschlaf oder...)

- Stellungnahme von RadLight (versucht man die Sache jetzt schön zu reden?)

You all are angry on me ? Yes, I expected it. But if I didn't do this and only started to talk about my opinions I would be just SOME ANOTHER GUY SAYING SOME
BULLnuts and ignored (my life-experience with many people).
Generaly the people must see the acts first and then they will PERHAPS start thinking more.

The non-adaware-killing RadLight was compiled 5 seconds after the adaware- killing version. I thought that people would find it out immedieately but it took
more than a week until they noticed. It will be released immediately and no more software-removing actions will be taken. I can only hope that Lavasoft will think about the reasons why this happened.

I know i will loose many of users who will ignore my player but It will at least solve my server problems and I may rest for a while.

I can apologize now

" I apologize to LavaSoft for all inconviences that happened by my RadLight software when removing the ADAWARE application silently and without users request.

I apologize to all RadLight users who may be disappointed or hurt by these events.

I apologize to all ADAWARE users whose adaware was removed when launched RadLight. "

Your indignation is an evidence for me that I succeeded and now, at least the people who read messages on this forum understand how does it feel when YOUR SOFTWARE is being removed.

With friendly regards,

Igor "RadScorpion" Janos

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