Norton die fürsorgliche Mutter

12.09.2003, 23:02
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Beiträge: 890
#1 Symantec wants to criminalize the sharing of security info and tools,1377,60391,00.html

"Among the solutions proposed were better standards for producing secure software"

Geiler Spruch von Norton dessen AV bis heute mit laufzeitkomprimierte Malware nicht zurechtkommt ;)

Das wäre ein schönes Gesetz.Nur mehr staatlich geprüfte Securitysoftware nach NORTON/MICROSOFT-Normen ;) ;)
Kaum vorstellbar,aber im Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten,wer weiß ? ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 12.09.2003 um 23:03 Uhr von Ajax editiert.
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16.09.2003, 10:12

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Beiträge: 890
#2 Vielleicht nicht ganz uninteressant zum Thema Norton.
Hier ein paar Auszüge.

September 15, 2003

Symantec Executive to Head Cybersecurity

The White House on Monday selected Amit Yoran, a software executive from Symantec Corp., as the nation's new cybersecurity chief for the Department of Homeland Security.

Yoran, who is hardly a household name but well known within the cybersecurity community, will be the government's evangelist for persuading Americans to improve their computer defenses against hackers, disgruntled employees, commercial rivals and foreign governments.

The new cybersecurity chief's position drew early criticism for its placement deep inside the agency's organizational chart. The cyberchief will be at least three steps beneath Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge. Yoran effectively replaces a position once held by Richard Clarke, a special adviser to President Bush.
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