virus alert , Your computer is infected!

07.07.2008, 21:38
...neu hier

Beiträge: 4
#1 Hello everybody,

firs excuses my deutch is so bad , so if you have no mind i prefer to write on english. thank you.

I tried to download some movie by Bittorrent ( "Bruce Amighty" with Jim Carry) , sudelly my pc turned off !!

After that always when i turn on computer at down right corner appear icon (red circle with wite cross) with virus alert and note :

"Your computer is infected! Windows has dected spyware infection! It is now download and instalthe most....Clic here to protect your computer from spyware!"

When i try to click on the icon , nothings happen. The icon (virus alert) appear frequently every 2 - 3 minutes but red circle with wite "x" cross stays permanet at the same place.

I use OS Windows 2000 profesional.
If anybody could help me , i shall be great thanxfull to him !!!

Thanx forward !!!

Alex, Rotterdam


Especialy begging for Sabina . she already helped me two years ago, when i was in similliar situation.
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07.07.2008, 21:53

Beiträge: 325
#2 Hello Alex !
Please download Hijackthis, CCleaner,Combofix,and Malwarebytes (Links be found in Threads with Themes "Virus Alert"),than post first the Hijackthis and Combofix- Log in the Thread here.Wait for further instructions from the Moderators.---maybe Sabina
...excuse my sh..t english !
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