E-mails von meinem Account versendet/Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

19.11.2007, 14:25

Beiträge: 519


Betreff: Work with us to find a road to financial freedom [message id: gb2578000473wz]
Von: "Cronos Investment Company LLC" <XXX@gmx.net> (meiner Adresse)
Datum: Sun, 18 Nov 2007 20:38:08 +0100
An: "Haftpflicht" <haftpflicht@web.de>

Dear Sir/Madam,
Cronos Investment Company is a venture capital firm that specializes in investments in seed and early-stage global information technology, telecommunications and software companies. We seek international entrepreneurs with the energy, vision, experience and desire to build great companies.
Due to our growth, we're constantly on the lookout for qualified professionals to place in contract, contract-to-hire, and permanent placement positions across a number of different industries. We know it's more than just your day-to-day responsibilities that can make or break a job. It's the support you get. That's the reason Cronos Investment offers a variety of benefits including medical, dental, optical, 401k, and many more. Don't put your career in the hands of just anyone, put it in the hands of a specialist. Join the Cronos team!
Today we are glad to offer you an opportunity to become our regional associate. In this position you will be responsible for supervising the money transfers and payments from regional clients. You will be hired part-time and will be free to plan your schedule yourself. The key responsibilities are fastening the procedure of the payment delivery and maximizing the profit of the company. No direct communication or meetings with the clients are required. Regional associates take net 10% commission out of each deal (transfer) they have completed. All the related charges they might have are covered by Cronos Investment. Position includes traveling, that normally does not take from the employee more than 1-1,5 hours every second/third working day. The successful candidate will be a responsible for accurate record keeping and accurate scheduling individual, with the availability of a bank account to be used for the company transfers, willing to bring value to the employer.

If you are interested in a position, please look for a more detailed information on our web-site:


or fill in the on-line application form at h*tp://cronos.js.cn/career.php

We are looking forward to seeing you in our proactive team!

Waiting to hearing from you asap.

Kind regards Kip Wilkinson
Könnt ihr mir sagen, was das ist ? Ich hab eine Benachritigung bekommen, das meine eMail wohl nicht wegging, mit folgenedem Betreff


Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Und in dieser mail stand halt bissle was, und als Anhang der oben zitierte Text. Nun hab ich damit nichts zu tun...also was genau ist das ?
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04.12.2007, 22:40
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Beiträge: 2312
#2 Sollte Spam sein...
Passiert ab und an mal, daß sowas zurückkommt, obwohl man da nichts hingeschickt hat. Da hat jemand deine Emailadresse benutzt um spam zu versenden. Aber keine Angst: Nicht mit deinem Konto, nur mit dem Namen des Kontos
Woher soll ich wissen was ich denke, bevor ich höre was ich sage??
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