Smoothwall und Age of Empires II

30.05.2005, 21:18
...neu hier

Beiträge: 1
#1 Hallo miteinander,,

ich habe zuhause smoothwall 1.0 GPL eingerichtet.
Nun will ich Age of Empires II online gamen,, funktioniert aber nicht. Es will mich mit dem Host verbinden und bricht dann ab.

muss ich da irgend welche ports öffnen? wenn ja wie???

folgende ports müssen offen sein:

vielecht könnt ihr mir helfen,, gruss kev_83

auf der Microsoft homepage fand ich folgendes:

Open ports in a firewall or proxy server
Some games will not load if your computer system connects to the Internet through a firewall or proxy server unless certain TCP Ports are opened in the firewall or proxy server. Most work, school, and public computers are connected through a firewall or proxy server for security. If you have a cable or DSL modem, you may also have a firewall installed. To open these ports, consult the help files for your firewall software or contact your network administrator or IT technician for assistance. Ports that need to be opened to play MSN Games:

80 (To access MSN Games website and Puzzle, Word, Trivia and other free Web games.)
443 (To use .NET Passport sign-in option.)
6667 (To use chat. Necessary for all multiplayer games.)
28000-29100 (To access Card, Board, “CD-ROM” Required, and other multiplayer games.)
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