Port Forward Problem

23.09.2002, 18:48
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Beiträge: 1
#1 Port Forward Problem
Hallo, ich möchte bei meiner Suse Firewall2 die Ports für edonkey an Windows Clients weiterleiten. Meine Konfig sieht u.A. so aus:

# 5.)


# 6.)
# Choice: "yes" or "no", defaults to "no"
# e.g. "ippp0" or "$FW_DEV_EXT"

# 7.)

# Choice: "yes" or "no", defaults to "yes"
# "yes" is a good choice

# 8.)
# Choice: "yes" or "no", defaults to "yes"

# 9.)
# Which services ON THE FIREWALL should be accessible from either the internet
# (or other untrusted networks), the dmz or internal (trusted networks)?
# (see no.13 & 14 if you want to route traffic through the firewall) XXX
# Enter all ports or known portnames below, seperated by a space.
# TCP services (e.g. SMTP, WWW) must be set in FW_SERVICES_*_TCP, and
# UDP services (e.g. syslog) must be set in FW_SERVICES_*_UDP.
# e.g. if a webserver on the firewall should be accessible from the internet:
# e.g. if the firewall should receive syslog messages from the dmz:
# For IP protocols (like GRE for PPTP, or OSPF for routing) you need to set
# FW_SERVICES_*_IP with the protocol name or number (see /etc/protocols)
# Choice: leave empty or any number of ports, known portnames (from
# /etc/services) and port ranges seperated by a space. Port ranges are
# written like this: allow port 1 to 10 -> "1:10"
# e.g. "", "smtp", "123 514", "3200:3299", "ftp 22 telnet 512:514"
# For FW_SERVICES_*_IP enter the protocol name (like "igmp") or number ("2")
# Common: smtp domain
FW_SERVICES_EXT_TCP="4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 http https imap imaps pop3 pop3s smtp ssh"
# Common: domain
# Common: domain
# For VPN/Routing which END at the firewall!!
# Common: smtp domain
# Common: domain
# For VPN/Routing which END at the firewall!!
# Common: ssh smtp domain
# Common: domain syslog
# For VPN/Routing which END at the firewall!!

# 10.)


# 11.)


# 12.)
# Are you running some of the services below?
# They need special attention - otherwise they won´t work!
# Set services you are running to "yes", all others to "no", defaults to "no"
# if not set.
# Autodetect the services below when starting
# If you are running bind/named set to yes. Remember that you have to open
# port 53 (or "domain") as udp/tcp to allow incoming queries.
# Also FW_ALLOW_INCOMING_HIGHPORTS_UDP needs to be "yes"
# if you use dhclient to get an ip address you have to set this to "yes" !
# set to "yes" if this server is a DHCP server
# set to "yes" if this server is running squid. You still have to open the
# tcp port 3128 to allow remote access to the squid proxy service.
# set to "yes" if this server is running a samba server. You still have to open
# the tcp port 139 to allow remote access to SAMBA.

# 13.)
# Which services accessed from the internet should be allowed to the
# dmz (or internal network - if it is not masqueraded)?
# With this option you may allow access to e.g. your mailserver. The
# machines must have valid, non-private, IP addresses which were assigned to
# you by your ISP. This opens a direct link to your network, so only use
# this option for access to your dmz!!!!
# Choice: leave empty (good choice!) or use the following explained syntax
# of forwarding rules, seperated each by a space.
# A forwarding rule consists of 1) source IP/net and 2) destination IP
# seperated by a comma. e.g. ",,"
# Optional is a protocol, seperated by a comma, e.g. ",,igmp"
# Optional is a port after the protocol with a comma, e.g. "0/0,0/0,udp,514"
# Beware to use this!

# 14.)
# Which services accessed from the internet should be allowed to masqueraded
# servers (on the internal network or dmz)?
# With this option you may allow access to e.g. your mailserver. The
# machines must be in a masqueraded segment and may not have public IP addesses!
# Hint: if FW_DEV_MASQ is set to the external interface you have to set
# FW_FORWARD from internal to DMZ for the service as well to allow access
# from internal!
# Please note that this should *not* be used for security reasons! You are
# opening a hole to your precious internal network. If e.g. the webserver there
# is compromised - your full internal network is compromised!!
# Choice: leave empty (good choice!) or use the following explained syntax
# of forward masquerade rules, seperated each by a space.
# A forward masquerade rule consists of 1) source IP/net, 2) destination IP
# (dmz/intern), 3) a protocol (tcp/udp only!) and 4) destination port,
# seperated by a comma (","), e.g. ",,tcp,80"
# Optional is a port after the destination port, to redirect the request to
# a different destination port on the destination IP, e.g.
# ",,tcp,80,81"
# Freigaben für EDonkey, alle Rechner im Netz
FW_FORWARD_MASQ="0.0/0,192.168.x.x,tcp,4661:4662 0.0/0,192.168.x.x,udp,4665"
# Beware to use this!

Wo aber liegt der Fehler, die Port sind auf Linux offen, werden aber nicht an die Windows Kisten weitergegeben???

Danke und Gruss
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