iexplore.exe - ads open automaticallyin Internet Eplorer

11.07.2004, 14:02
...neu hier

Beiträge: 1
#1 I have a new file on my computer for a few days:

I guess it is connected to the following: Internet Explorer opens on connecting to the net (ant preiodically thereafter) with adverts.

iexplore also shows in the runnig processes from the start of the system. Even if Internet Explorer is not running.

I scanned with my antivirus software, AdAware, Spybot and Trojanhunter, but without results.

I guess it is not done by simply deleting iexplore.exe. What about registry entries?

Can anyone help me with properly removing this, please?
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13.07.2004, 11:32
Avatar Sabina

Beiträge: 29434
#2 #Load mwav.exe...scan all Folder
scan, save and post the Log
MfG Sabina

rund um die PC-Sicherheit
Dieser Beitrag wurde am 13.07.2004 um 11:33 Uhr von Sabina editiert.
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