SMB Bug - erste Proof of Concepts

04.09.2002, 08:06
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#1 Hi,

A denial of service vulnerability affects the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol used for sharing files, printers, and other resources on a Windows network. A maliciously crafted SMB request can remotely crash a target computer, or possibly execute arbitrary code. Windows NT, 2000, and XP are all vulnerable. Check out security bulletin MS02-045 for a details and a patch; alternatively, set your network's perimeter firewall to block TCP ports 445 and 139


Da nun schon die ersten beiden Programme aufgetaucht sind, die diese Lücke nutzen, sollte der geneigte User über ein installieren des Patches nachdenken ;)

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0:

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition:

Microsoft Windows 2000:

Microsoft Windows XP:

Microsoft Windows XP 64 bit Edition:

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06.09.2002, 08:17
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#2 Nachdem nun die ersten Tools raus sind, konnte auch getestet werden:

Hier die Ergebnisse:

server1 Windows 2000 Server Hardend Did not work

server2 Windows 2000 Server Hardend Did not work

app server 1 Windows 2000 Server Hardend Did not work

Workstation 1 Windows 2000 Professional Partially Hardened (only restrict anonymous) Did not work

Workstation 2 Windows 2000 Professional No Hardening screen, shutdown, checkdisk

Workstation 3 Windows XP Hardend screen and a shutdown

.net server Windows .NET No Hardening screen and a shutdown

server 3 Windows 2000 Server No Hardening screen and a shutdown

Server 4 NT 4.0 TSE Hardened screen and a shutdown

Workstation 5 Windows XP Hardend screen and a shutdown

Workstation 6 NT 4.0 SP6a No Hardening screen and a shutdown and a memory dump

Workstation 7 NT 4.0 SP6a No Hardening but restrictanonmyous was enabled screen and a shutdown

tested by:
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Dieser Beitrag wurde am 06.09.2002 um 08:40 Uhr von Robert editiert.
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06.09.2002, 08:25
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#3 Es scheint so, als ob es bei Windows 2000 Clients und Server genügt, den Zugriff für "Anonymous" zu unterbinden. Dies geschieht über:

RestrictAnonymous Registry Value
Use Registry Editor to view the following registry key, and then add the following value to this key, or modify it if the value already exists:
Value: RestrictAnonymous
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 0x2 (Hex)

Restart the computer after any change to the RestrictAnonymous key in the registry.

When the RestrictAnonymous registry value is set to 2, the access token built for non-authenticated users does not include the Everyone group, and because of this, the access token no longer has access to those resources which grant permissions to the Everyone group. This could cause undesired behavior because many Windows 2000 services, as well as third-party programs, rely on anonymous access capabilities to perform legitimate tasks.

For example, when an administrator in a trusting domain wants to grant local access to a user in a trusted domain, there may be a need to enumerate the users in the trusted domain. Because the trusted domain cannot authenticate the administrator in the trusting domain, an anonymous enumeration may be used. The benefits of restricting the capabilities of anonymous users from a security perspective should be weighed against the corresponding requirements of services and programs that rely on anonymous access for complete functionality.

The following tasks are restricted when the RestrictAnonymous registry value is set to 2 on a Windows 2000-based domain controller:
Down-level member workstations or servers are not able to set up a netlogon secure channel.
Down-level domain controllers in trusting domains are not be able to set up a netlogon secure channel.
Microsoft Windows NT users are not able to change their passwords after they expire. Also, Macintosh users are not able to change their passwords at all.
The Browser service is not able to retrieve domain lists or server lists from backup browsers, master browsers or domain master browsers that are running on computers with the RestrictAnonymous registry value set to 2. Because of this, any program that relies on the Browser service does not function properly.
Because of these results, it is not recommended that you set the RestrictAnonymous registry value to 2 in mixed-mode environments that include down-level clients. Setting the RestrictAnonymous registry value to 2 should only be considered in Windows 2000 environments only, and after sufficient quality assurance tests have verified that appropriate service levels and program functionality is maintained.

NOTE: Pre-defined "High Secure" security templates set the RestrictAnonymous registry value to 2, and because of this, caution should be used when using these templates.

For additional information about the RestrictAnonymous registry value, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q178640 Could Not Find Domain Controller When Establishing a Trust
RestrictAnonymous is set by changing the registry key to 0 or 1 for Windows NT 4.0 or to 0, 1, or 2 for Windows 2000. These numbers correspond to the following settings:

0 None. Rely on default permissions

1 Do not allow enumeration of SAM accounts and names

2 No access without explicit anonymous permissions;en-us;Q246261

Bei Windows NT Systemen kann diese Beobachtung nicht bestätigt werden!

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