Start Using CGIProxy - surf anonymously!

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18.07.2007, 14:57
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#1 Start Using CGIProxy Script



Start browsing through this CGI-based proxy by entering a URL below. Only HTTP and FTP URLs are supported. Not all functions will work (e.g. some Java applets), but most pages will be fine.

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What it is
This tool acts as an HTTP or FTP proxy. Through it, you can retrieve any resource that is accessible from the server it runs on. This is useful when your own access is limited, but you can reach a server that in turn can reach others that you can't. In addition, the user is kept as anonymous as possible from any servers. Common uses include: anonymous proxies similar to The Anonymizer, other personal uses, VPN-like functionality, and others.

When an HTML resource is retrieved, it's modified so that all links in it point back through the same proxy, including images, form submissions, and everything else. Once you're using the proxy, you can browse normally and (almost) forget it's there.

CGIProxy 2.1beta15 Restart
anonyme Proxy Seiten finden sich in folgendem Thema:

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