[ENG] How to setup up tiny 2.0

05.02.2003, 17:05
zu Gast
#1 is there a forum in english that will cover Tiny Firewall 2.0?

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 07.02.2003 um 22:22 Uhr von Robert editiert.
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05.02.2003, 17:43
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#2 feel free to ask your question in english !

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05.02.2003, 18:06
zu Gast

#3 I have Tine Firewall 2.0.15.

I know it's free... but there are no instructions and I have a few doubts.

I get a number of requests to allow "traffic" which I assume is from some of my own programmes and from the cable company.

I have no alternative but to create a filter to allow them and then I wonder what is the point of a firewall if you are opening the door to strangers you don't know who they are.

I have just reinstalled Tiny so the Firewall Status Window does not contain very much but as time goes I find lines allowing all traffic both ways on all portes.

is that safe?


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05.02.2003, 18:49
zu Gast

#4 Sorry...

let me explain a little better

for instance right now I have in Filter Rules entries for any incoming/outgoing ICMP to use any port (Remote: any address)

It's all chinese to me, but does that not mean that anyone can get?

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07.02.2003, 23:55

Beiträge: 46
#5 ICMP is a protocol for searching computers and identifing them.
With ICMP you can see if the computer is runing or not. I think its useless to allow ICMP so just try to block all ICMP traffic.
IMHO it's the best way to block all incoming traffic (if you're not runing any servers) and to allow single applications access to the internet. But a browser e. g. doesn't need access on port not equal to 80.
If your firewall is in learning mode you can block the access for one time. If the application works simply block access the next time with a rule. If it doesn't work allow access the next time with a rule.

so far...
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10.02.2003, 22:17
zu Gast

#6 Thank you Matthias

I have 2 computers linked together in a network through a router which is in turn connected to a cable modem

from your message I understanf it that I could delete all ICMP entries (5 of them) without affecting the running of the system.

is that correct?

Sorry but I am a complete idiot as far as firewalls are concerned.

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