RootKit Hook Analyzer v.

16.02.2006, 12:56
Avatar joschi

Beiträge: 6466
#1 bietet neuerdings ebenfalls ein Rootkit-Analyzer zu kostenlosen Verwendung an.


RootKit Hook Analyzer will tell you what kernel hooks are active on your system. It displays all kernel system services along with their base addresses, responsible modules as well as product names companies and module descriptions. If no hooks are active on your system it means that all system services are handled by NTOSKRNL.EXE, the principal base component of most Windows operating systems which is developed by Microsoft. All you have to do to find out what kernel hooks are installed on your system is press the Analyze button at the bottom of the screen. RootKit Hook Analyzer also allows you to view installed system modules and drivers with their base addresses as well as file and product information as well as the responsible companies.
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20.02.2006, 14:05
Avatar yastee

Beiträge: 14
#2 Kann es empfehlen das Programm.
Es listet Rootkits (und Software, die solch ähnlich Technik verwendet) übersichtlicher auf, jedoch fehlt meines Wissens nach eine Protokoll-Datei, in der man die Ergebnisse abspeichern kann.
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