Aktuelle Infos über OutPost 2.0

02.09.2002, 13:31
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#1 Hi,

hier mal die neusten Infos wie es um die 2 Auflage der Outpost Firewall

Nach Aussagen von Mikhail Zakhryapin (Chef von Agnitum) wird mit der ersten Beta für Version 2.0 bald zu rechnen sein. Es gibt nur noch einen größeren Bug, der noch erledigt werden muß, bevor das BetaTeam was zum Testen bekommt. Es kann noch 1 Stunde oder 1 Woche dauern.

Was soll in Zukunft enthalten sein:

- Überwachung der einzelnen Prozesse und Instanzen von Programmen um das nachladen fremder DLLs zu verhindern (damit sollten alle bekannten leaktests nicht mehr funktionieren)

- automatisches Erkennen von geänderten IP-Adressen, zBsp: wenn ich mit dem Notebook in verschiedenen Netzen unterwegs bin

- ICS Unterstützung

- vollkommen neues Logging-System - Logs einsehbar durch:
a) Outpost Log viewer
b) MMC Snap-in
c) Microsoft Access

- es ist geplant eine Überwachung zu implementieren, die das Schließen des Outpost-prozesses verhindert (ähnlich wie bei Tiny) - muß aber nich in Version 2 sein ;)

- der Start der Firewall-Engine soll weitaus früher als zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt geschehen - hoffentlich noch vor allen Netzgeräten ;)

Soweit die News, sobald ich die Beta in den Händen habe, gibt es an dieser Stelle natürlich mehr Infos!

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Dieser Beitrag wurde am 02.09.2002 um 16:37 Uhr von Robert editiert.
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23.09.2002, 14:57
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#2 Wie versprochen halte ich Euch auf dem Laufenden! Hier schon mal ein paar Screenshoots!

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18.10.2002, 10:53
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#3 Un hier mal eine Liste neuer Features, berichtigter Fehler und anderen interessanten Sachen:

New features
1. New database driven logging system.
2. Enhancing Agnitum Update to enable fraud protection and registration of Outpost Free users.
3. Control of DLLs loaded by application (protection against FireHole vulnerability).
4. Blocking of sending data using hidden Internet Explorer window (protection against TooLeaky vulnerability)
5. Enabling filtering of TCP DATA packets instead of filtering only TCP SETUP packets (protection against OutBound vulnerability)
6. Now during the start-up the rules are loaded from the registry by Outpost kernel (protecting against the vulnerability “Until the interface is not loaded nothing is filtered”).
7. CRC is added in configuration file.
Usability and Easy of use
8. Auto detection and configuration of commonly used applications during the installation.
9. Auto detection and configuration of NetBios and ICS.
10. The Allowed\Blocked\Reported and plug-ins windows modified.
11. Application names in Options -> Application are sorted in alphabetical order.
12. Show port descriptions (symbolic port names) in the Attack Detection Log.
13. Show the DNS address in the Attack Detection log.
14. Site names in Active content settings are sorted in alphabetical order.
15. “Block once” option enabled for incoming TCP and outgoing UDP.
16. The name of a person the product is registered for is displayed in Help->About window.
17. Displaying hot-keys at the toolbar.
18. Ability to run trashcan from the toolbar and Internet Explorer toolbar.
19. Transparent Trashcan in Windows 2000/XP
20. Show port descriptions (symbolic port names) in the Attack Detection log.
21. Add scrollbars to the Welcome Screen.
22. Stateful inspection.
23. Support of ICS under Windows XP/2000+SP2.
24. Eight new languages added.
25. Rules Wizard dialog new support not only for TCP/UDP traffic but also for IP protocol.
26. Support of Fast User Switching under Windows XP.
27. Enabling different rules creation for two different applications having the same name.
28. Full support of chained encoding.
29. Logging of all MD5 operations.

Errors fixed
1. All bugs related to incorrect detection of IP address and as a results incorrect operating of packet filter (PPPoE, DHCP and others)
2. DNS cache is not working under Windows XP.
3. Application”????” initiated connection under Windows 98.
4. Loop back rule modified.
5. Configuration file is not found after installation.
6. Several entries of NetBios in Open ports (not grouped).
7. False positives during application checksum check (MD5)
8. False detection of "Short Fragments" attack by Attack Detection plug-in.
9. Incorrect handling of peculiar fragmented packets.
10. Outpost causes Blue Screen error after resume from hibernate Windows 2000/XP.
11. Outpost blocks everything after resume from hibernate Windows 2000/XP.
12. Content plug-in does not block some content.
13. "Bad MDL" diagnostic message.
14. Outpost causes Blue Screen Error on some configurations under Windows 2000/XP.
15. Outpost does not see all send packets on some configurations.
16. "Http Filt" diagnostic message.
17. False detection of "My Address" attack by Attack Detection plug-in.
18. No application integrity check (MD5) when Outpost runs without GUI.
19. When no user/admin logged under Win2000/XP Outpost runs in Allow Most mode.
20. "Outpost Firewall on the Web" links in upper menu do not work.
21. 'Cannot find the *.HLP file' error when click on '?' in Outpost dialogs. Outpost freezes during intensive UDP traffic (ex. online games).
22. Memory consumption when many connection are established.
23. Same Application listed twice in Options->Applications dialog.
24. Message 'DNS Buffer length >= 1024' error on startup.
25. 'Agnitum Outpost: Invalid Handle' error on Win2000 startup.
26. Lost of Outpost setting if PC crashes/freezes.
27. Local connection logged with 'Undefined rule' as a reason.
28. Connection logged before GUI start logged with 'Undefined rule' as a reason.
29. When Option window is opened Rules Wizard prompt is not displayed.
30. MD5 check fails if non-English symbols are used in file name.
31. Outpost now works with Microsoft Driver Verifier.
32. Installation sets the short paths to files in registry even if user has disabled short paths in Windows 2000/XP

Attempt to fix
1. Add on diagnostic for resolving 'Error Loading driver 1056' (or driver 1058, or 3, or 5, or 80) error.
2. "Unknown POP3 command 'NEW " diagnostic message.
3. Attachment filter do not rename attachment if Netscape email client is used.
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20.02.2003, 20:04
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#4 Seit heute ist die russische (!) Beta von Outpost 2.0 zum Testen freigegeben worden. Die englische soll in den nächsten Wochen (Tagen) folgen.

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21.02.2003, 09:39

Beiträge: 213
#5 Hi Robert,

Gibt es von die neue Beta auch schon ein paar Screenshots.
Egal wenn es Russisch ist. ;)


Dieser Beitrag wurde am 21.02.2003 um 09:39 Uhr von Metallica editiert.
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21.02.2003, 09:54
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#6 Nein im Moment noch nicht - alle Welt verlinkt hier auf die meinigen ;))

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21.02.2003, 10:02
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#7 Na gut, weil Ihr es seit: http://www.infosec.sp.ru/screens/
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12.03.2003, 22:57

Beiträge: 58
#8 Ist die englische beta schon irgendwo zu haben?
Nicht das ich ungeduldig wäre!
Der Zatu
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13.03.2003, 07:01
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#9 Bitte warten ...... es soll demnächst an die englische Betaliste gehen - dann wird natürlich sofort berichtet!

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23.05.2003, 14:15

Beiträge: 3306
#10 OutPost 2.0 wurde gestern offiziell freigegeben.
Download: http://www.agnitum.com/download/outpostpro.html
Bitte keine Anfragen per PM, diese werden nicht beantwortet.
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23.05.2003, 14:29
Avatar Robert

Beiträge: 2283
#11 Besitzer der 1er Pro-Version können übrigens kostenlos upgraden, weitere
Infos hier:
Kostenlose Upgrade-Seite


Changelog (derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar):
- PRO: New Outpost Version Released (2.0.281 + drivers 2.0.225)

Outpost Firewall Version 2 Feature List
Security Features
- New: Components Control (Anti-Leak) feature monitors components of each
application you run.
- New: Stateful Inspection firewall technology provides superior security to
packet filtering.
- New: Windows Boot-up protection defends your system before any malicious
programs can be loaded.
- System and application level filtering define broad and precise
- TCP, UDP and ICMP level filtering define access for data packet
- Internet attack blocking (nuke, etc.) averts attacks that can cause system
- Port scan detection denies access to intruders.
- Stealth mode Support makes your computer invisible to attackers.
- MD5 authentication offers added protection for encrypted messages.
- E-mail protection guards against dangerous attachments and worms.
- Firewall engine resides on the lowest possible level of the operating
system, allowing Outpost filter RAW_SOCKET and direct packet sending into
drivers, thus bypassing the TCP/IP stack.

Control Features
- New: Database-driven logging system gives you precise stats for every
connection and event.
- Network activity monitor provides a graphic overview of your system.
- Content filtering lets parents control site access for children.
- One click to block all traffic or disable the firewall.
- Software runs as a service.
- Custom settings are password-protected.
- Trusted IP group maintains confidentiality.
- Individual configurations allows customization by multiple users.
- DNS caching speeds connection times.

- New: Banner ad blocking (including Flash ads) and pop-up window blocking
keep frustrating ads off your screen.
- Cookies blocking maintains Web privacy and protects personal information.
- Web history (referrers) blocking conceals surfing habits.
- Active elements blocking for ActiveX, Java, Visual Basic scripts, and Java
applets protects your system from malicious programs.
- Ease of Use and Compatibility
- New: Auto-configuration sets up 95% of your applications, system and local
network settings during installation.
- New: Remote Desktop support.
- New: Fast User Switching support lets users efficiently share one
- ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) support allows networked computers to
share one Internet connection.
- Wizard mode simplifies automatic rule creation.
- Predefined system and application settings cover all common tasks such as
browsing the web, allowing ICQ, allowing DNS or DHCP, etc.
- Highly customizable user interface.
- Online, direct updating of plug-ins and settings for protection against
new attacks. Automated updates mean you simply press Update Now.
-Individual configurations for multiple users.

Download der Test-Version:
Outpost Firewall Pro v2.0.225.2919

Outpost Firewall Pro v2.0.225.2919 Full-Setup
Datei Name: (OutpostProInstall.exe)

Programm URL:

Download URL:
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